What is Kinesiology?
Kinesiology is the fusion of western chiropractic knowledge with the eastern acupuncture system. By evaluating muscle strength and response, practitioners can uncover underlying health issues and develop personalised treatment plans..
Healing with Kinesiology
Imagine you are running the marathon of life and somehow obstacles keep coming up in front of you, blocking your path. Its my job to help you remove these obstacles. Detoxifying your body is where we often start. Cleaning the organs using herbs and minerals. Cleansing your mind of negative thought patterns. A nutrition plan may be organised to omit foods that do not suit and perhaps juicing, something I recommend to everyone whether feeling ill or high performance athletes. Juicing is fantastic for your body.
People find great improvements from general aches and pains whilst improving vitality and motivation. Stomach issues, kidney problems, thyroid and hormone imbalances, trauma and old injuries also treated. Other qualifications include Dip Anatomy & Physiology, Energy Healing and Massage. My greatest inspiration in life is Leonardo Di Vinci and my mission is to help people get answers to their health problems whilst being a support in getting to where you want to be in life.
Focused Treatment I
Inner Workings
Basic Muscle Testing
Finding cause of symptoms
Manual techniques to improve body functions
Viral Testing
Energy Pathways
Hormone Pathways
Detoxification Programme
Liver, Thyroid, Kidney Support
Intolerance Testing
Foods are used to fine tune internal pathways
Highly recommended for Auto-immune diseases, chronic fatigue, general feelings of being unwell.
Focused Treatment II
Treatment focused on an injured body or those with constant back pain.
Realigning Vertebrae
Cranial Bone Adjustment (especially used for head injury)
- Cerebro-spinal fluid movement
Loosen Hip / Shoulder Joints
Slipped Discs
Muscle Relaxation
Jaw Balance
Sciatic Nerve
Gait corrections
Releasing old injuries
Memories of Trauma
A very significant and mechanical correction. Enhances posture.
Focused Treatment III
Emotional / Spiritual
Living your life to your full potential! Are you?
The subconscious runs 9/10's of the show and we rarely have any clue as to what its up to.
Limiting belief system stored deep in our unconscious are creating our realities, some are there since the womb or earlier.
Kinesiology can delete old files and create new ones.
You can change your perception of memories so that they no longer trigger negative emotions.
Positive affirmations with tapping tools to enhance your experience of reality.
Freeing locked away feelings.
Finola is an experienced Systematic Kinesiologist relieving people's health issues for almost 10 years.
Using manual adjustments for back issues or injuries.
Advising herbal and natural remedies.
Testing for toxins, advising on lifestyle remedies.
Fully balancing the body.
Helping alternatives
An experienced Yogi, Energy Healer, Shamanic practitioner and lover of crystals and healing technologies, many options for your healing journey. Photon Light Therapy is available which has very profound feel good effects.
Finola integrates the experience of Integrated Energy Therapy with Shamanic healing to clear heavy energies and restore light. IET attunements are available to connect into the higher frequencies connected with Angelic beings. Aura cleansing, chakra balancing, life affirming warmth. These can be done from a distance also.
Influences of this Practice
The Pioneers of Kinesiology
Above are some of the most influencial Kinesiologists that I've had the pleasure of meeting and training with.
Dr Sheldon Deal, one of the founders of Applied Kinesiology with George Goodheart in the 60's.
A cool cowboy, with exquisite knowledge and practical research into the working of the body. Received two treatments from Sheldon in February 2018, along with hundreds of Sheldon's advanced procedure techniques.
Dr Dietrich Klinghardt, a medical doctor, surgeon, homeopath, acupuncturing Kinesiologist.
Since training in this protocol early 2019 I've returned to the world of energy, light, frequency and colour.
Light thearpy seems to be one of the most profound methods of healing.
Chris Ashill Smith, a Master of the biochemical world, and partner Gill Farr.
Have been training with Chris in London several times a year since 2014.
Chris has phenomenal knowledge of the how the cells work, break down and can be mended once again.
I've also had the pleasure of training with Dr Alweena Awen and Neurologist Dr Michael Allan in Primitive reflexes. Dr Alison Ashill Smith offers excellent support for Kinesiologists in her extremely informative workshops on detoxification, fats, sugars and general health matters.
Contact Finola
Don't be afraid to reach out.
Have you any questions about Kinesiology or if it might be able to help you.
Finola is happy to answer your queries.
Thank you for your interest in Finola's work and dedication to
Alternative Therapies and Advanced Methods of Healing.
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