Stomaching Life
It has been a fine Summer agus bhí an aimsir go iontach. Today I'd love to share some info on tummy issues. This was the beginning of my own deep healing journey, a journey that continually allows me to grow.

Stomaching food, stomaching ideas, digesting & assimilating both food and thought.
The small intestine is where we digest notions, feelings, concepts.
Leading to assimilating how to carry on.
Fearless/ful thoughts of the future
Memory of pain, fear, anxiety and worry.
Being happy and being sad.
Stomach churning.
We speak of our tummy all the time in our expressions.
"I was gutted, I was stomached....."
The thoughts we think, affect how well we digest our foods.
All these demands, it has got a lot on its 'plate'.
Some thoughts don't go down well at all.
How many people spend their lives in situations that they just can't stomach,
yet put up with for a life less hard.
Conforming to non-ideal circumstances because its easier in the short term.
The long term affects creep in oh so slowly.
A little indigestion, a little ibs, a little wind, a little bloating
A little sadness, a little tired, a little aged, a little sore

The stomach requires hydrochloric acid to perform its task of breaking down foods.
Mouth - Alkaline
Stomach - Acidic
Gut - Alkaline
Bowel - Acidic
Remove foods causing a negative affect
B-Complex and zinc helps the stomach to perform
Liquid Cayenne Pepper great for stomach bacteria. (note: its hot)
Aloe Vera takes down inflammation.
For the gut
L-Glutamate helps repair damage, Vitamin E, B6 & B12
Requires Iron levels in right balance
pH must be acidic to rid the body of paracites
Psyllium Husks, Probiotics, Black Walnut, Mineral Matrix, Omega 3,6,9
Causing: Malabsorption, gut permeability (leaky gut), auto-immune

Digestion balance is Key to Health
Everything works well on good digestion.
Absorption / Extraction / Elimination

with Chris Smith and Gill Farr
How full is your battery?
Do you have enough time for yourself?
How many hours do you spend having fun?
Are you happy in your life / job / family / relationships / home?
The answers are in the unconscious mind.
The hidden feelings - held in the dungeons of your consciousness
are holding our body ransom and imposing inflammation onto our cells.
and hormones.
- When the body attacks itself
1. Damage or destruction of tissues
2. Altered organ growth
3. Altered organ function
- Recognition of the self is compromised. Our own cells no longer identified as 'ours' thus becoming the enemy.
- Emotionally lost self identity
- Can't differenciate between yourself and others
- Have become like others
- Influenced by others, taken on behavious of others
- Not true to yourself
"When have I lost the ability to discrimminate between people, places or behaviours that are well matched to me and those that are not"
- Oxidative Stress
- Infection
- dysbiosis of gut
- corrupted gene expression - SNIPS
50% of people with fibremyalgia no longer showed symptoms after extraction
Boosts immune system. Protects Heart. Ideally extracted from seeds of fruit from
the Himalayas
Vaccines - DHA & Vitamin A capsules weeks before and after. Also noted that the BCG vaccine
has been known to cure Type 1 Diabetes. TB Vaccine has in cases restored pancreatic function
Its only mission is to break into the centre of the cell to change the DNA codons / genes
Gingko Biloba, Cayenne Pepper, Vit C Tumeric, Vitamin E
Did you know that Mona Lisa suffered from Auto Immune?

Spot the Illness?
- no eyebrows - signifying thyroid problems
- swollen neck - goitre
- receding hairline - also thyroid
- white spots under eyes – cholesterol

Battle of the Brains.
Usually a person is more dominant toward one side or the other.
Our society is predominantly left brained.
A well balanced person uses both hemisphere's equally or close to par.